It's been one of the warmest—and nicest—summers in recent memory here in San Francisco. It sure has been great to see so much sunshine throughout the Bay Area, and most of us have probably been using our air conditions even more than usual. Well, summer is officially over and fall is here. Winter is not far behind, so you want to make sure your car's air conditioning and heating system is working well.
You can bring your car or truck into San Francisco Automotive Solutions for an A/C system inspection and testing. We'll be happy to tune it up or make any repairs needed. This may include recharging your air conditioning coolant (aka Freon), cleaning the vents, replacing the cabin air filter or making sure your heater and defroster are providing the ideal temperature output in time for winter weather.
There are some common signs that might mean you have a problem with your heating/air conditioning system:
• Air temperatures not what you expect them to be (not warm enough or not cold enough)
• Defroster is not clearing windows as quickly as usual
• Unusual smells coming from vents when you turn on your heater or A/C
• Air conditioner isn't blowing when car is stopped or driving slow
Air Conditioning Maintenance and Repair
When the air conditioner, heater or defroster isn't working like you want it to, it usually just means your system needs a slight tune-up or the Freon needs to be recharged. However, there could be a leak somewhere in the system. If this is the case, it could be dangerous and damaging to other vehicle components, so you will want to get it checked out and fixed as soon as you can.
In other cases, poor A/C or heating performance is a result of dirty vents or air filters. San Francisco Automotive Solutions can get those cleaned up as part of our standard heating-A/C tune-up service.
Air Filter Maintenance
Your vehicle has two different air filters. One is the engine air filter, which makes sure the air intake in your engine is clean. It is easy to replace and it should be inspected and replaced fairly regularly for optimal engine performance. Then, there is your cabin air filter. This is what keeps the air you breathe in the passenger cabin as clean as possible. If it is old and dirty, you will have bad air quality and that is not good for your health. Cabin air filters can be tricky to access, inspect and replace, so you'll want to get yours checked out with each regular preventative maintenance service visit to San Francisco Automotive Solutions.
When it comes to maintaining and repairing your vehicle's air conditioning and heating system, San Francisco Automotive Solutions has you covered. Call us today at (415) 523-0515 or schedule your next service appointment online.